Included in this Membership ...

  • A copy of my cookbook Recipes That Nurture Gut Health (this cookbook is exclusive to this membership and my Childhood Gut Health Course).

  • A menu plan.

  • A detailed shopping list.

  • Two new recipes monthly.

  • Access to a monthly zoom gathering.

  • 15% off all products and courses.

Watch Intro Video

Membership Investment

  • $39.00 first payment, $11.00 / month onwards

    A small investment for a BIG gift to your whole family. ♡

    Join Now


  • Is the idea that we ONLY eat what is in the menu plan?

    Absolutely not. I highly recommend you eat what makes you feel good. Eat with intention and keep it simple. This membership is designed to compliment YOUR intentional life.

  • Do you cook every recipe in the cookbook every week?

    Ohhhh no! I make the snacks and meals in there that feel right during the particular season and or time that I have to spare.

  • How often do you go grocery shopping?

    We try to go once every 10 days. We will go to Costco and our local health market with a detailed shopping list and stock up. We save so much money by not going on little trips every few days.

  • Can I cancel my membership?

    Absolutely. When you join you will receive an email with all of your log in information. Just log into your account and cancel. Super simple and you are always supported.

  • What diet plan does this follow?

    This membership is not based on a specific diet plan. The vision with this membership is to honor your intuition so the menu plan, shopping list, cookbook and additional recipes are all in line with this. I would say intuitive eating is more a lifestyle than a dietary plan. It is however plant-based friendly, gluten free friendly and designed to support gut health.