I would like to take a minute to share a list of different ways you can use Alkaline Silver (CLEANSE and RELIEVE). Think of these two products as your first line of defense when it comes to any kind of infection.
EAR INFECTION: When your child complains of an ear ache drop a few drops in both ears twice a day for a few days.**
DIAPER RASH: Apply RELIEVE as needed.
CANDIDA: If you suspect you have candida we recommend you buy our candida kit. Taken with our probiotic, Cleanse will help your gut bacteria find balance. To learn more about candida click HERE.**
- Adults: Take 2 TBSP CLEANSE and 1 NOURISH capsule TWICE a day for four days. Then take 2 tsp CLEANSE and 1 NOURISH capsule TWICE a day for 60 days
- Children: Take 1 TBSP CLEANSE and 1 NOURISH capsule TWICE a day for four days. Then take 1 tsp CLEANSE and 1 NOURISH capsule TWICE a day for 60 days
- If candida completely subsides, hooray for you. If your symptoms come back we suggest you take 1tsp. in the morning, and one at night as preventative wellness.**
PARASITES: Follow the same suggested protocol as Candida (see above).**
COLDS: Take 2 tsp twice daily for the duration of your cold.**
INFLUENZA: Take 2 TBSP twice daily until symptoms subside.
MOUTH WASH/COLD SORE RELIEF: gargle 1 TBSP in mouth for 60 seconds.**
THRUSH: Take 2 tsp twice daily until symptoms subside and apply RELIEVE as needed.**
MASTITIS: Take 2 tsp twice daily until symptoms subside and apply RELIEVE as needed.**
VAGINAL YEAST INFECTIONS: Follow the same suggested protocol as Candida (see above) and apply RELIEVE as needed.**
BURNS: Apply RELIEVE 3 times daily until healed. **
BUG BITES: Apply RELIEVE as needed.**
ACNE: Apply RELIEVE as needed or mix with facial moisturizer.**
ECZEMA: Apply RELIEVE at wake up and before bed and anytime in between as needed. Also consider doing the Candida Cleanse as suggested above.** RELIEVE works great for all rashes.
AUTO IMMUNE: Consider the Candida Cleanse as listed above along with applying RELIEVE as needed. After completing the Candida Cleanse consider taking 2 tsp CLEANSE twice daily for immune support.**
If you have any specific questions please reach out to me. It is also important for you to know that when you first start taking CLEANSE it is possible you might experience something called die off. This is CLEANSE working its magic. It is killing the junk in your gut. Everyones experience with this is different. You might get a headache, feel nauseous, get a fever or feel extremely tired. Don't worry, as soon as all the bacteria , yeast and fungus is dead you will feel sooo good.