Question and Answer

  • How do I manage my subscriptions?
  • Do you ship internationally?
  • Why is internationally shipping so expensive?
  • Is it safe to rebalance my gut while pregnant or breastfeeding?
  • How young can I rebalance my child’s gut?
  • Will symptoms get worse before they get better?
  • What are the benefits of giving children CBD and how young can you give it?
  • Is your CBD safe while pregnant and breastfeeding?
  • Does your silver (Cleanse) build up in the body? Is it considered a heavy metal?
  • Is Cleanse comparable to colloidal silver?
  • What makes Nourish different than other probiotics?
  • How do I give the probiotic if my child can’t swallow capsules?
  • How long will it take to heal?
  • Can my husband rebalance?
  • What is the most effective way to heal eczema?
  • Is it possible to heal food allergies by rebalancing the gut?
  • Can rebalancing the gut help with constipation and diarrhea?
  • What can I do for an ear infection?
  • Can rebalancing help with acne?
  • Will Rebalancing help with H. Pylori?
  • Will Rebalancing help heal from mold exposure?