Six years ago my family and I sold everything we owned to travel full-time. For the holidays we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere with nothing and it was the best year we had ever had.
Over the years I have incorporated what we have learned from living on the road and found our own way of navigating holidays and social gatherings in a way that aligns with our hearts and family values.
I want to teach YOU exactly how to show up in life as THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF. I know its complex but in this video we are going to cover very simple basics that are total life changers!
And while this is tailored to the holidays because the holidays tend to amplify all of the symptoms of misalignment this applicable year round.
Okay! Let's jump right it . . .
Instead of dreading the holiday madness I have figured out a way to live in alignment with my personal and family values when it comes to gifts, activities and foods. All while enjoying the holiday season more than ever before. Yes! Even when we decide to visit family in the city when my comfortable place is in the wild.
It is absolutely possible for YOU to show up in different scenarios in life as the best version of yourself. You just need to the awareness and the skills to do it. In this video I am going to share it all with you. I am going to walk you step-by-step on how to incorporate all of this into your own life.
I am so happy you are here!
XO - Sarah
PS. If you want the free beautiful guidebook that will walk you through all of this DM me "send me the guide" HERE. And I will send you a copy ♡