Welcome to a day of homeschool with us . . .
I have so much love and passion for our homeschool, I could write here all day long. But for the sake of keeping to the point of this post I want to just share one day with you.
Over the years I have been able to really dial into what feels right for our family while letting the internal pressures of what we are conditioned to think education is supposed to look like (that once plagued me) go.
Our best days are spent outside. I love nothing more than discovering new forest wonderlands, tide pools and mountainsides with my children. As some of you may know, this is exactly why we have spent the last five years living and traveling in our Airstream travel trailer. From far northern Canada to way deep down the Baja Peninsula, we had adventure right out our door.
This season of life has us home in Montana for a little while. And although we are not traveling, we find ourselves living in our tiny Airstream in our yard while we renovate our little home. Between renovations, following my heart calling to grow this business and well, Covid, the universe is keeping us home right now. We are beyond grateful to be here and to be honest, it is an adventure in itself.
It is much more challenging to find new adventures compared to living on the road. We have to be more intentional with our time and gracefully accept the difference in lifestyle. As a family we are able to learn and grow in this experience together and that to me, is the best education I could ever offer my children.

We have the new found joy of really digging into our gardens and making this land our home. It has always been our physical home but one that awaits us when we travel because, if I am being honest with myself, our hearts have belonged to the road for many years. We feel a shift happening and our new dream is to spend a solid six months here and six months on the road every year. A way to fully embrace both lifestyles that we love so dearly.
I intended this post to be a bit different. I wanted to simply write all about the beautiful day I showed my kids how to tenderly peel the skin off garlic. How the sun was shining but the hail pelted our metal roof like the world was ending. How over the next several days and weeks we lightly watered the cloves and about the morning that I awoke to delighted squeals from my children when the first clove grew a tiny sprout.
I wanted to simply tell you about the day my daughter very gently detangled the roots, how my three year old said a blessing for the one garlic clove that went rotten and how my baby took a bite out of the biggest clove.
I intended to teach you the process of sprouting your own garlic from an organic bulb so that next year, you too can delight in the wonders of your own garlic plant. But as I put my pencil to paper my heart guided me in this direction. And now that I am nearing the end, I can so perfectly understand it all.
It isn't about garlic at all. It is about sharing the magic of homeschool and the seemingly insignificant moments that all together add up to create our family culture. It is about being able to have the freedom to live slowly and go down rabbit holes. It is about tenderly peeling our own skin, watering our hearts with love and finding delight in the process. It is about letting our minds rest, living in tune with our intuition and squealing in delight because we get to witness every single sprout our kids grow. It is about detangling societal pressures, blessing the rotten, and taking big bites into curiosity. It is about planting the cloves and allowing time and love to cultivate new life, knowledge and interest.
There is nothing different about my family. I never knew we could live this life until we just went for it. If you are even slightly interested in homeschool, mama! I encourage you to at least explore the option. I have just opened up my calendar to offer homeschool coaching. I am not here to tell you to or not to homeschool or what curriculum to follow. I am here to help guide you deep inside of yourself to find the right answer for your family. ♡